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Daily Dose with Dr. Melissa Balizan

Watch as I share what it means to have a "Dry January" and discuss the impact it can have on you in your daily life. Thank you to Dr. Melissa Balizan for having me on!

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Daily Reflection Podcast:
Interviews with the Recovery Community

Listen along as I share my experiences, strengths and hopes around that day's Daily Reflection, "suggested" steps.

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Into the Light with Stephan Neff:
Steps to Sobriety:

Changing the way a Recovery Journey is Perceived and Experienced. I'm so grateful to have had the chance to speak with someone who is as passionate about recovery as I am.

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A Self Help Podcast

Addictions run rampant in our society. In an effort to understand them, I reached out to a renowned life coach with a specialty in addictions, Tricia Parido. In this episode, we explore the many nuances of addiction. Tricia brings to light how and why addictions occur. If you or someone you love suffers from an addiction, you will not want to miss this episode.

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Beat Your Addictions
with John Giordano

We spoke in-depth about how we treat our bodies, what we feed our bodies plays a large role in maintaining sobriety! Watch my interview today!

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Hungry for Answers: From Recovery to Your Ultimate Life with Robin H. Clare

Be sure to listen to my episode with Robin, Recovery as a Journey, that aired on November 4, 2021. Robin and I chatted about the different layers of healing that need to take place to ensure long-term recovery!

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The Life School MasterClass Show
with Elona Lopari

We had a new, meaningful conversation regarding Life and Business!

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LeadUp for Women: 
Member Monday

I was featured on Colleen Biggs' Member Monday Spotlight for Lead Up For Women! We discussed Ditching the habits holding us hostage so the new year can be all about conditioning and growth!

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"The Rise Above" Show with Patti Grover:
The Journey of Recovery

Episode 121 of "The Rise Above Show" with Patricia Jo Grover and guest Tricia Parido! To learn more about the journey of "Recovery", about who Turning Leaves Recovery serves, who may need services, and how to look for someone who will understand their Addiction needs. "Rise Above" with Patricia Jo Grover htttps://

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Emerge. Evolve. Lead. Podcast:
Leading By Example

My guest today is Tricia Parido, sober for 8 years yet in recovery from early perfectionistic conditioning and trauma for 25 years, she is now a highly educated Master Addictions Specialist helping others in her own practice to recover from addiction.

Tricia Parido is a Recovery Lifestyle Enthusiast, Speaker, and Writer. She is a Nationally Certified Life Coach, an International Master Addictions Specialist and a Professional Life Interventionist with a Psych Degree in Process Behavioral and Chemical Addiction who loves to help change lives! Specializing in life transitions and post-treatment journeys, Parido is ever committed to serving her clients worldwide find the emotional intelligence they need to conquer their life challenges.

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show:
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends

Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life experience mattered. Telling stories brings people together. In this episode, our desire is to inspire the listener that all life experiences, struggles, failures, the pains of our past, have victories, and many times happy endings. No matter what you are facing in your life, sharing your stories will help others heal, it will inspire us to keep going, and find creative ways to make life living a joyous story to tell with many chapters of triumph.


April Reed Podcast:

HOW TO BREAK BAD HABITS (Drop ANY Habit Holding You Hostage)⛓ // Anyone can determine when their habits are no longer serving them but the key to making the changes lifelong manageable and maintainable is evidently an issue. So, what's missing? The now what and what's next is the critical piece that gets left behind. The imperative process of cultivating a brand new internal relationship with yourself and conditioning it as the new and powerful way you want to see yourself is generally not a part of the thought process when facing these life-changing situations. Why? Because this takes the development of practical life-skills that one typically doesn't associate with maladaptive habits. I have! And my system works beautifully!

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Kelly Apy Podcast with Kelly Mahony:
Relapse Prevention Understanding PAWS

The plight of the chronic relapser is baffling and heartbreaking. In this episode, I talk with Addiction specialist Tricia Parido to better understand the physiological side of addiction. She explains that anyone stopping a substance will go through Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome. This happens as the body tries to recalibrate itself and varies in length and intensity with each person. This makes total sense for anyone struggling to get clean or sober in early recovery. She offers many suggestions for anyone dealing with PAWS to help them break the cycle of relapse to live a happy and productive sober life.

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The Addicted Mind Podcast with Duane Osterlind: Living a Recovery Lifestyle with Tricia Parido

On this episode of The Addicted Mind Podcast, Duane speaks with Tricia Parido, an international master addictions coach and a recovery lifestyle enthusiast. Passionate about helping people attain sober lifestyles so they can live free and fulfilled, Tricia established the Turning Leaves Recovery Life and Wellness Coaching.

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The Road Beyond Recovery - Tamar Medford: Turning Leaves Recovery with Tricia Parido

Tricia Parido is a Recovery Lifestyle Enthusiast, Speaker, and Published Writer. She is a Nationally Certified Life Coach, an International Master Addictions Specialist, and a Professional Life Interventionist with a Psych Degree in Process Behavioral and Chemical Addiction who loves to help change lives! Specializing in life transitions and post-treatment journeys, Parido is ever committed to serving her clients worldwide to find the emotional intelligence they need to conquer their life challenges. As an active business owner of thriving coaching practice, Turning Leaves® Recovery, Life, and Wellness Coaching, seated in evidence-based practices, she not only teaches her clients how to live the life they desire and “live free”, but she also teaches those that aspire to become professional coaches how to do so, passionately and professionally.

I reached out to Tricia in a desperate moment, searching for answers for a family member. She was there for me and my family immediately. She made time for us right away, listened and provided valuable resources. I cannot express how grateful I am for people like Tricia.


~Jessica Quigley

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